Individuals are responsible for knowing if the products being imported contain a prescription drug or a controlled substance as they have distinct import restrictions.
If you have questions about whether an Internet pharmacy is legitimate, contact the licensing body in your province or territory. Avoid buying health products from questionable websites. For example, internet stores may have Canada in their name or include a symbol such as a maple leaf that could lead one to assume it is a site operating within Canada. It can be difficult for Canadians to determine if an internet store is located in Canada, as some sites may appear to be operating in Canada, when in fact they are not. "fake"), contain the wrong level of an active ingredient, contain toxic substances, or even be past their expiry date. Health products sold online may be cheaper and easily purchased but riskier because they may be counterfeit (i.e. If health products are purchased outside the country, individuals need to be aware of the potential health and financial risks (loss of product, purchase/shipping costs) associated with this activity, particularly when buying drugs, natural health products or medical devices online. Role of individualĬanadians are encouraged to buy licensed health products in Canada that have been assessed to be safe and effective if used according to their directions for use. Where multiple restrictions/requirements exist, the most restrictive conditions will apply. Some health products may also have additional restrictions placed on them by other Acts, such as the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA) and its regulations and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.
This guidance document addresses the requirements under the Food and Drugs Act (the Act and its regulations) for health products.